MongoDB Atlas vs AWS DocumentDB

September 15, 2021

MongoDB Atlas vs AWS DocumentDB: A Tale of Two Big Data Solutions

When it comes to managing big data, there are a ton of options available. However, two of the most popular solutions are MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB. Both are fully-managed database options designed to help developers easily store, manage, and query large amounts of data. But which one is better? In this post, we'll compare MongoDB Atlas vs AWS DocumentDB and give you all the facts you need to make an informed decision.

Let's Talk About Pricing

Before we dive into the features, let's talk about pricing. After all, no one wants to break the bank on a database solution. MongoDB Atlas has a more complex pricing structure than AWS DocumentDB since it is based on the number of clusters, the cluster size, and the features included. On the other hand, AWS DocumentDB offers a much simpler pricing structure that is based only on the instance usage.

To give you an idea of potential costs, a MongoDB Atlas cluster with three nodes and 1 GB of RAM per node could cost around $150 per month. Meanwhile, an AWS DocumentDB cluster with similar specs can cost as little as $60 per month.

Features and Functionality

When it comes to features and functionality, both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB offer robust options. However, there are some key differences to consider. MongoDB Atlas offers built-in automation and monitoring, horizontal scaling, sharding, and a community-driven plugin system. It also has support for multiple programming languages and flexible data modeling capabilities.

AWS DocumentDB, on the other hand, highly optimizes for read-heavy workloads with Amazon CloudWatch and CloudTrail integrated by default. AWS Document DB provides native ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) transactions, and has a schema-less document model that's highly compatible with MongoDB. It also has granular control over access and permissions, making it an ideal option for enterprise-level organizations.

Who's the Fastest Database Solution on the Block?

When it comes to speed, both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB are highly performant solutions. However, there are some key differences depending on your use case. MongoDB Atlas is known for being highly scalable and offers low latency access to data. It also has a highly optimized index system that can significantly reduce query times. AWS DocumentDB on the other hand, is highly optimized for read-heavy workloads with faster performance and more stable operation even under heavy workloads.

The Final Verdict

So which one is the better choice? The answer is - It depends on the specific requirements of your use case. MongoDB Atlas is a great option if you need horizontal scaling, sharding, and flexible data modeling capabilities if budget is not an issue. AWS DocumentDB, on the other hand, is the better option for enterprise-level organizations that require granular control over access and permissions, and highly optimized for read-heavy workloads with faster performance.

No matter which option you choose, both MongoDB Atlas and AWS DocumentDB are solid choices for big data management. It's important to carefully consider your business needs and specific requirements before making a decision.


  1. MongoDB Atlas Pricing
  2. AWS DocumentDB Pricing

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